Yesterday I ran a LSD run of 15 miles, it was pretty painful. I knew going out the winds was pushing 25 mph from the south. I took off running north for just over an hour. I passed over this dam at Milford Lake and had to take a picture. The dam is just over a mile long! As I ran this narrow long stretch of road I realized that yes I could get hit by a truck much easier but more importantly realized this is going to hurt for a long time. I say that because I'm actually training for a 50K run that is in January. I'm not sure if I will do it just yet or not. I have some work things going on and not sure if I can mainly. So In an effort to run this little "ultra" race I am going to continue to punish my mind and body to go even further than before. I'm logging over 40 miles a week right now...most of it in one run! Why am I telling you this? One to hold me accountable for my goal of running a 100 miler and this is a stepping stone to it. Two, to make you challenge your self. Not for some stupid new year goal that you won't finish in the first place but for something worth more than what someone thinks of you. Push yourself to YOUR limit and then keep going. It will surprise you into going even further the next time. Stay tuned for more chaos in my training and other stuff going on around my world.
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